Once a party has received a judgment from a civil court case in Alberta, the next step is the collection of judgments from the other party.
The collection procedure is laborious, very specific, and has no guarantees of being successful. But Rainbow Investigations has filled out all the forms numerous times and have gone through the rather lengthy garnishment process.
Land titles caveats are among the most common way to tie up a debtor’s assets until collection is completed. There are times where the debtor decides to “run” away from debts, or simply has no assets with which to satisfy the debts. But we can monitor the situation – judgments are valid for 10 years.
For small judgments where the collection is a problem, we can give you the best chance of collecting. We have also been retained to facilitate payment schedules for people who have had a judgment against them. Most often, if someone is trying to collect, and a professional organization, such as ours, can work out a schedule based on the ability to pay, this will prevent any further enforcement action being taken by the owed party.